January 19 2021

Week 11: Purpose

In last week's email, we touched on some of the things that inspired us to come together to found Cecil.

We'd love to now share more on why we want to make it happen, what we want to change and why this work matters to us.

Some call it meaning. The word passion is often thrown around too. For our team - it's purpose.

Purpose Is Rare.

Most people don’t know why they are doing the job they are doing. Most companies don’t know why they are in business. Most people float through life.

A strong purpose is a multiplier of your effort. You understand the reason why the work you are doing matters.

Purpose supplies your inner drive. It fuels innovation. It finds you your best people. It keeps them with you when other companies come poaching. (They will.) It keeps you staying true when it would be easy to compromise. It stops you from quitting when times get tough. (And, they will.)

Purpose gives you a reason to fight like you have never fought before. And to keep on fighting. With everything you have. Nothing spared.

The kid in the schoolyard that you shouldn’t fight is the one you have insulted his mother. He knows why he is going to kick your ass. And if you beat him this time, he will just keep coming back. He is fighting for something much bigger than himself. Truly.

David Hieatt, Founder of 'the Do Lectures'

Our purpose

A healthy, living planet where anyone can be rewarded for removing atmospheric carbon

We envisage a world with a natural, stable climate.

A world where carbon capture has unlocked new opportunities for 2 billion human beings managing the world's landscapes and growing its food.

A world where we have successfully reversed climate change by restoring land ecosystems.